28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Benefits of Open-Ended Playtime
Studies show that, compared with controls, kids allowed a specific type of open-ended play time were:
• More creative. On average they came up with three times as many nonstandard creative uses for specific objects (a standard lab measure) as did controls.
• Better at language. The children’s use of language was more facile. They displayed a richer store of vocabulary and a more varied use of words.
• Better at problem solving. This is fluid intelligence, one of the basic...Lots of boosts to a child's creativity and cognition when they are allowed free playtime.
24 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Being a Responsive and Involved Parent
Responsiveness is closely related to nurturing. For infants, responsive caregiving means not only prompt responding to a baby's physical needs interaction. Babies do cry out of boredom and their verbalizatinn—all that interaction. Babies do cry out of boredom, and their verbalization—all that enchanting cooing and babbling—is not just idle practice. They want and expect you to reply, to engage them in "protoconversation," and to light up their day with your interesting facial expression...Driving children around to classes is less important than engaging in intellectual discovery with them.